The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135172   Message #3081263
Posted By: Silas
24-Jan-11 - 05:59 AM
Thread Name: NEW!! BBC Award announced!
Subject: NEW!! BBC Award announced!
BBC have just announced that a new category in the Folk Awards. The Services to Morris Dancing Award. The first recipient of the most prestigious award will be Ex-Beatle Spouse Heather Mills.
Whilst Heather has not actually Morris Danced herself, she is pretty sure that she once saw a Morris side from a pub window in happier times when she and Paul were still married, but she definitely once owned a hankie, and the bell in her budgies cage is pretty similar to the ones that she thinks Morris dancers use.
When asked by our reporter why Ms Mills was chosen to receive this award, Bob Sherman, controller of BBC Radio 2 said, "Quite frankly, we don't really give a fuck who wins the bleeding award, just as long as it is some-one the public know, it all helps to put bums on seats and anyway, there is a pretty good chance that she will attempt to give a dance demonstration and, with a bit of luck, her leg will drop off, just think of the publicity."
We also asked Mike Harding to comment, but all we could get was him holding his head in his hands saying "It's all going horribly wrong" over and over again.