The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135224 Message #3083205
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
27-Jan-11 - 05:16 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req:Jock Hawk's Adventures in Glasgow (MacColl
Subject: RE: McColl or Harry Lauder-Jock Hawk's Adventures
This thread is an example of what psychologists call the 'confirmation bias'. People have a fixed idea and then they look for evidence to confirm that idea, all the while ignoring any evidence to the contrary. So I suspect that Ed Jones (who started the thread) doesn't like MacColl, has deliberately ignored MacColl's monumental body of work in the field of Folk Song and then seized on this one recording which he finds risible.
Go on, Ed - I dare you listen to 'The Manchester Angel' or 'The Long Harvest' or 'Blood and Roses' or 'The Radio Ballads' or the 'Ballads' set that Topic released in 2009 and then come back and pass judgement on MacColl.