The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25896   Message #308463
Posted By: Dharmabum
29-Sep-00 - 05:18 PM
Thread Name: Song Challenge! Part 40
Subject: RE: SONG CHALLENGE! Part 40
WOW, you guys have really come up with some kick ass challanges on this one!

I could use a title for this one.

Sung to {these are a few of my favorite things}

Squashing the hot dog rolls makes my heart flutter,
Mangling bread loaves with tops made of butter,
Destroying a donut just makes my heart sing,
Raising hell in the market's my favorite thing.

Squeezing the cupcakes with sweet frosted topping,
Once I get started there just ain't no stopping,
Smashing the cookies with my clenched fist,
Where are the Twinkies they're next on my list.

When the boss yells,
When the wife's pissed,
When I'm feeling sad,
I take it out on a box of Ding Dongs,
Then I don't feeeeeeeelllllll,
Soooooooo Baaaaaaaad.

I'm on a mission to search & destroy,
With a gleam in my eye I look rather coy,
It looks like a warzone in my aftermath,
When the bakery isle has suffered my wrath.

The doctors all tell me I have a condition,
The police just tell me assume the position,
I hear little voices inside of my head,
They keep telling me to squeeze loaves of bread.

When the boss yells,
When the wife's pissed,
When I'm feeling sad,
I take my frustration out on some whole wheat,
Then I don't feeeeeellllll,
Soooooooo Baaaaaaad.


Can't you just picture Julie Andrews singing this one?

line breaks added by elf/joeclone