The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135295   Message #3084771
Posted By: Phil Cooper
29-Jan-11 - 01:32 PM
Thread Name: Cooper & Nelson call it a day
Subject: Cooper & Nelson call it a day
January 28, 2011 was the last official concert the Margaret Nelson and I performed. We had a great time. Kate Early, who had sung with us for thirteen years, was also on hand. Margaret and I had been playing out since 1982. The last few years, we hadn't gotten out as much. I was also starting to play out more with my life partner, Susan Urban, as February Sky. Margaret was interested in doing more peace and ecology movement songs. Since last night's date was the last one on the current calendar, we thought this might be a good time to just say it was the last one.

Great turnout. Susan and I did a February Sky opening three songs and a tune set. Margaret opened the second half with three of her new songs. Kate, Margaret, and Bob Holdsworth and I did the formal two sets and we all sang The Poor Ditching Boy as a grand finale. You can still get recordings from all the years from me (and through Camsco) and is still up and running. You can also see performances on youtube at tradfolky1 of all the various incarnations I'm involved in.