The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134880   Message #3085330
Posted By: Rapparee
30-Jan-11 - 01:25 PM
Thread Name: Catspaw Home!!!!4 Feb 2011
Subject: RE: Catspaw -Working the Plan - UPDATE - 22 Jan 2011
...Over his ivory-inlaid table, Ahab hovered like a mute, maniac sea-lion on the white coral beach, surrounded by his wart-like but still deferential cubs. In his own proper turn, each officer waited to be served. They were as little children before Ahab; and yet, in Ahab, there seemed not to lurk the smallest social grace. With one mind, their intent eyes all fastened upon the old man's knife, as he carved the chief dish before him, the cabin-boy, roasted to a turn and with an apple in his mouth. I do not suppose that for the world they would have profaned that moment with the slightest observation, even upon so neutral a topic as the weather. No! And when reaching out his knife and fork, between which the slice of sea-beef was locked, Ahab thereby motioned Starbuck's plate towards him, the mate received his meat as though receiving alms; and cut it as tenderly as once he had held it to his bosom; and a little started if, perchance, the knife grazed against the plate; and chewed it noiselessly; and swallowed it, not without circumspection and without sauce. For, like the Coronation banquet at Frankfort, where the German Emperor profoundly dines with the seven Imperial Electors, so these cabin meals were somehow solemn meals, eaten in awful silence; and yet at table old Ahab forbade not conversation; because only he himself was dumber than the heads in the bows of the Pequod. What a relief it was to choking Stubb, when a rat made a sudden racket in the hold below, giving promise of different food at a different time. And poor little Flask, he was the youngest son, and little boy of this weary family party. His were the shinbones of the saline beef; his would have been the drumsticks. For Flask to have presumed to help himself, this must have seemed to him tantamount to larceny in the first degree. Had he helped himself up onto that table, doubtless, never more would he have been able to hold his head up in this honest world; nevertheless, strange to say, Ahab never forbade him. And had Flask helped himself, the chances were Ahab had never so much as noticed it. Least of all, did flask presume to help himself to butter. Whether he thought the owners of the ship denied it to him, on account of its clotting his clear, sunny complexion; or whether he deemed that, on so long a voyage in such marketless waters, butter was at a premium, and therefore was not for him, a subaltern; however it was, Flask, alas! was a butterless man, never to indulge in the delights of even one hot ruttered bum!