The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135346   Message #3086919
Posted By: GUEST
01-Feb-11 - 08:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chrysler block heater
Subject: RE: BS: Chrysler block heater
Our familay has three vehicles. The coldest it ever gets is about
-16C for a night or two in winter at a time. All our cars (three different 4 Cyl Japanese models) start on the first try each time regardless of the low. We never had any issue in winter, without any plug in. But, we keep our cars, electrical and batteries well maintained, and checked before winter. (BTW, there is a shelf life on a car battery).

If you have extreme cold for prolonged periods (I understand that -30 C or -40C are common in some areas like Ottawa and Alberta) have short rides or your battery or electrical is compromised (someone indicated Chrysler's often are)I can see a benefit in keeping engines warm.

Moncton, like most of east coast Canada may have a low wind chill, but I suspect rarely, if ever, reaches those low temperature extremes).