The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135374   Message #3087143
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
02-Feb-11 - 07:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Personal messages from fraudulent membership
Subject: BS: Roger C Gall
Did anyone else get this PM? If it is a joke it is pretty funny. If it isn't, then why is this person telling me I can't post whatever I want on my own social network site? Why does he seem to think that we want the Mudcat to control our pictures?

Dear member

It has been brought to my attention by Joe Offer that due to security flaws on some social networking sites that thousands of private photographs and contact details can be viewed by almost anyone on-line with ease.

We do understand that it's down to these social networking sites decision to make more of their users' information public right across the web -- without asking them for permission first.

Please keep in mind, there is a certain responsibly for members of this forum to promote folk music in a positive sense, and maintaining some concept of decorum to prescribed limits of appropriate social behaviour within set situations.
It is unfortunate, that we have been made aware of photographs of Mudcat members, inebriated and in compromising positions on drunken nights out on the town to personal photographs of yourselves .

In some cases there's even a GPS (Global Positioning System) tracker function pinpointing the exact location of the user. We have found that by simply typing keywords such as "Mudcat", "Mudcat Cafe" or "Mudcat folk" into Google's search box, it brings up an interactive directory of members of this forum.

We have deliberately decided not to disclose the identities of all members we found, but as ever, the internet is not just as discrete. Below, are a few examples of what we found yesterday evening.








Social networks are a great modern tool but like everything else they have bad elements too. A number of the photographs we looked at have been harvested from photos posted by our forum members, along with a lot of pictures taken by individuals at various Mudcat gatherings throughout the country.

You have the right to ask Flickr, Picasa, Eons,Facebook, bebo, LiveJournal or Myspace to remove any photographs of yourself that may appear on such pages. The photos in question are not posted at the Mudcat Cafe, and the Flickr/Myspace/Livejournal/bebo/Twitter and Facebook pages are NOT under our control.

All the best to you.

-Roger Gall, Forum (Elf) Moderator, The Mudcat Café.-