The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135389   Message #3087633
Posted By: Nick E
02-Feb-11 - 09:37 PM
Thread Name: Help! - Moby Dick TV series shanty-Blow Boys Blow
Subject: RE: Help! - Moby Dick TV series shanty-Blow Boys Blow
I would love to here more about the TV series, I did not know there was one. Where is it from? When filmed?

Blow Boys Blow was the title of an album by Ewan Macoll & A.L. Loyd and that shanty (or song) was on the album. I dont think it was the same version though. Macoll was the guy responsible for the music in the holywood, Gregory Peck version of Moby Dick.

"was you ever on the Congog River? Dinner was monkey's ass and Donkey's liver. Blow me bully boys blow"