The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134880   Message #3088868
Posted By: chazkratz
04-Feb-11 - 06:20 PM
Thread Name: Catspaw Home!!!!4 Feb 2011
Subject: RE: Catspaw - Maybe Home by Week's End 1 Feb 2011
Pat, hot damn it's good to see you back. After my golden shower post I felt it just as well that I no longer submit stupid get well wishes, knowing that even my half-watt half-assed psychic powers were pure dreck and unable to think of a damned thing funny to say I came back from time to time hoping for good news...and now at last there is some, for the hospital, at least--they finally got your stinky ass out and away and probably the cure rate there has shot up exponentially, not to mention the economic relief for the place, not having to supply the docs and nurses and orderlies with boxes of matches for self defense.

Anyway, seriously, you scared the shit out of me and I am ecstatic to see you alive and well and posting.
