The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135454   Message #3089168
Posted By: Desert Dancer
05-Feb-11 - 10:24 AM
Thread Name: Fundraising for Norma Waterson
Subject: Fundraising for Norma Waterson
P'raps this is best in its own thread:

Recently posted by Rod Stradling on the Musical Traditions website (and reposted by EFDSS):

Many readers will be aware that Norma Waterson has been critically ill in hospital for the past three months. Last November, towards the end of the brilliant 'Gift' tour, Norma got an infection in her knee. She went to the closest hospital, Warrington, where they prescribed strong antibiotics, to be taken as an in-patient. Two days later she was on dialysis and a ventilator in the Intensive Care Unit. Our dear Norma had been in the ICU for 11 weeks! with Martin by her side, loving her and making sure she is getting all the necessary attention.

She has at last been moved to an ordinary ward, but the journey back to normality will be a long climb; of course if she could climb there'd be no problem, but after 12 weeks in bed there's not much of her body that has any muscle power at all. And having had a tracheostomy in her throat for most of that time, she's not even talking or eating normally yet.

As well as an appalling physical and emotional situation for the family, there is the little matter of finance when the breadwinners are unable to work (Martin has only been able to do 3 or 4 gigs in all that time!). Some of their friends in music - being able now to think about the future rather than just the present - have realised what an awful extra burden this has/will consitute, and are organising benefit events. Keep your eyes and your purses open, and please consider the possiblities for your club or organisation. We will try to liaise with all such organisers, and with Alan Bearman, their Agent, to see that things go smoothly, and don't clash with each other. If you do consider organising some kind of benefit event, please let us know.

Rod and Danny Stradling - 3.2.11 or