The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128511   Message #3089234
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
05-Feb-11 - 11:58 AM
Thread Name: Why shout 'MacIntire'? - Old Dun Cow
Subject: RE: Why shout 'MacIntire'?
I think that I first heard someone shout "McIntyre", during the singing of this song, in about 1967 (44 years ago. My, doesn't time fly?). That was also the year during which I first heard someone make a 'plopping' sound by rapidly withdrawing their finger from their mouth during the singing of 'Pleast and Delightful' ("Then a ring from off her finger she most instantly drew."). These interjections were mildly amusing then but now they've moved beyond boorish to realms undreamed of in the annals of boorishness!! And both songs are a bunch of boring shite too!! It's a good job that the law doesn't allow me to carry a pistol!!!!!