The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128511   Message #3089365
Posted By: Barbara
05-Feb-11 - 03:40 PM
Thread Name: Why shout 'MacIntire'? - Old Dun Cow
Subject: RE: Why shout 'MacIntire'?
Dang, don't know what happened to the rest of the above post, but here I am trying again.

Plays with the words in songs have their moments. I think we need to both know when to go for it, and when to refrain. One of my friends sings a lovely version of The Old Dun Cow, at a pub sing, and he usually points to someone to add the requisite "MacIntire". I like it that he often chooses someone new or shy, and it makes them feel included.
Another group of people I sing with, at a different pub, are much less likely to appreciate smart ass additions to the songs. (like the popping noise that goes with drawing the ring from his finger).

One that I confess really entertains me is in one of the local variants of "Drink old England Dry" (Drink Old Portland Dry) where the line about
"Canadians test their mettle" is followed by someone shouting "al-u-min-i-um".
Sometimes it's high spirits. Sometimes its high spirit consumption. Sometimes it's an sign that the song has been sung too many times recently, and needs a rest. Sometimes it depends on who does it. It certainly depends on who's singing it and where it's getting sung, whatever the song.
I once ended up with an entire room of folkies doing the Macarena to my singing of "When We Go Rolling Home" which disconcerted me for a moment (it WAS 1 a.m. on NY's)but it upset me much more when another folkie chewed them out for it as soon as we were done. I say, go with the flow. If a majority of the people want to be silly, stay and be silly or leave..
Ain't no such thing as a grown up folk musician, as far as I can tell, myself included.
*skreeeaaak* stepping down off the soapbox and kicking it aside.