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Thread #135442   Message #3089373
Posted By: josepp
05-Feb-11 - 03:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Philology
Subject: RE: BS: Philology
I'm well are of "epi" and "scopus" but you have to understand that the organized religions borrowed older terms and titles because it was what people were used to and then had to obscure those meanings. Another example is "Amen" which means "hidden." We are told it means "so be it." Ridiculous. It is the Egyptian word for the Hidden God, the god of prayer and supplication. Amen is that force in the world that moves things along but is unseen, unheard.

Jesus talks of Amen in Matthew:

Matthew 6:4
    That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.

Matthew 6:18
    That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.

Matthew 6:6
    But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father WHICH SEETH IN SECRET SHALL REWARD THEE OPENLY.

Since the Jews came out of Egypt, according the standard histories, they had adopted many Egyptian modes of thought and belief. When they broke away, those modes couldn't be changed--that's throwing out the baby with the bath water. So they changed the meanings underlying. That's why we think of Moses being a Hebrew name. It's Egyptian and can be found in such Egyptian names as Thutmoses.

Same with the sun disc--Aton which was renamed over the centuries as Adon, Adonis, Attis, Odin, Eden, etc.--but you look in bibles and what not and they tell you all sorts of crap.

It becomes necessary for the new cult to both incorporate and, at the same time, obliterate the old one. So the term episcopal can have its fish cult source hidden by its Greek counterpart which has nothing to do with fish.

Here's some examples:

Here two Christian denominations use the sun as a symbol because Christianity is solar worship. The bottom logo was the old Baptist logo. I read up on it and the Baptists were insisting that it is NOT the sun, damn it! But, of course, it is. The sun disc, more precisely. It is Aton all over again. For that reason, I believe, the Baptists stopped using it as their official logo.

The top logo shows Aton and the four cardinal points--the solstices and equinoxes. It can also represent the intersection of the ecliptic and the celestial equator. Ask someone from that denomination and they will emphatically deny it means any such thing--it's Christ the Light of the World giving his life on the cross for the world. Metaphorically, however, that is precisely the meaning of the sun as it crosses the intersection of celestial equator and ecliptic in the spring and fall.

Look at an analog watch or clock. Notice it has three hands. The shortest hand that moves very slowly is the hour hand, the longer one that moves faster is the minute hand Where does the word "hour" come from? From "Horus" the Egyptian solar god. His name turns up in horae and horoscope and probably the houris as well--the 72 virgins the Muslims morons are blowing themselves up for. What about the minute hand? Well, what does "min" mean? It means "moon". The minute hand represents the moon. But look up history of the word "minute" and it won't tell you that. Yet, what is a clock? A representation of the heavens, of course. The sky was our original clock.

So what is the second hand representative of? A clue is that it is the fastest moving hand on the clock.