The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135454   Message #3091924
Posted By: Desert Dancer
09-Feb-11 - 02:06 PM
Thread Name: Fundraising for Norma Waterson
Subject: RE: Fundraising for Norma Waterson
clicky for Norma Waterson benefit events page (including direct donation button) at the Musical Traditions site.

The page includes
1) introductory info,
2) Main Fundraising Event, 14th May (see below),
3) Donations (with PayPal button),
4) a listing of other events

Main Fundraising Event, 14th May
The biggest event currently planned will be on Saturday the 14th May, at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, London. It is being organised by Alan Bearman Music and Mrs Casey Music, with the assistance of both Topic and Proper Records. None is taking a fee. Fuller details will follow when known.

As this will be the best opportunity to raise a substantial sum, the organisers would very much appreciate it if fundraising activities that involve Martin's appearance in and around London and the South East were not too many or prominent until after 14th May.