The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135431   Message #3092990
Posted By: InOBU
11-Feb-11 - 05:00 AM
Thread Name: Earliest Commercial Shanty Recordings
Subject: RE: Earliest Commercial Shanty Recordings
Oxford is not very high in the estimation of we Irish, and well, being Anglo Irish, my grand da was a Cambridge man... the only thing which might support the French origions is that the adjective comes second in Irish, generally, but than there is sean-nos, old style. So, I will let the OED slobs (also from the Irish) believe what they will, seantigh is as Irish, as well, the glens of Antrim - ( excuse that I tread close to sliping in a slogan - also, and Irish word ) The OED would contest the example of the Glens to be a good analogy. But than again, I am sure they are a pack or Tories, Torai or Tory being a bandit.

As to OED's handle on Gaelige, to put the cap of death on someone, to deliver the caidhp báis is an old phrase in Irish, used long before the middle ages and the introduction of Yiddish to Ireland - which has happened, for example in Kerry we would say of the OED... och, what a pack of smuckeens. Ach, anish, ta me "Conca" from this cold, so I am off to bed. (conca = conked)

Well... there is much about us the OED has not glomed (Irish for grab)on to... or as the OED would say, much on to which they have not glommed...

Well, for now, I close with a tip of the whiskey glass (happy for that one at least, I suppose you should be...)

Is mise, le meas, ar chor ar bith