The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25937   Message #309529
Posted By: Auxiris
01-Oct-00 - 10:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Danes vote 'No' to Euro
Subject: RE: BS: Danes vote 'No' to Euro
Okay, so maybe it's true that Europe is "stronger for its differences". If that is indeed the case, then why did Denmark, along with GreatBritain and Holland, try to use European Community rulings back a few years ago to outlaw cheese made with non-pasturised milk? Anyone remember about that? If that isn't Eurocracy, I don't know what is.

Now, as for the Euro (I agree, that's a stupid name and anything else would have been better, ecu, quid, whatever), we don't even have the actual currency "in hand" yet and not 'til 2002, so what is happening on the various exchange markets is speculation. Besides, everyone's currency wobbles once in a while, eh. For example, when I came to France in 1985, a dollar would buy 10.40 French francs. A couple of years ago, a dollar would only buy between 5.80 and 6.00 French francs. I can't see why a bit of currency fluctuation is such a problem.

Just one more word about the Danes (thread creep alert): the Danish parlement has just adopted a future law project that would make showers obligatory for pigs weighing over 20 kilos (that's 2.2 lbs to a kilo for you metricophobes, or 44 lbs or 3.14 stone). Thus, Danish pork farmers will now have 15 years to conform to this law and install the necessary sanitary equipment so that their pigs will be sufficiently clean. Raises a few questions in my mind about the wisdom of letting one's government decide some things without asking the pblic's advice. . .

