The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26008   Message #309556
Posted By: Rick Fielding
01-Oct-00 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Creation v Evolution
Subject: RE: BS: Creation v Evolution
Other than in pretty small isolated rural areas, it's never been much of an issue in Canada. Interestingly though, we now have an actual fudamentlist Christian as leader of the opposition in the Government. He's a huge fan of American style politics, and is pretty vocal about Capital punishment, abortion, welfare, multi-culturalism, Gay rights, prayer (Christian) in schools, and bilingualism. Since the vast majority of our population is concentrated in our large cities (lotsa pretty empty country spaces) more moderate opinions tend to always hold sway. His supporters will always be hugely vocal,(and the press love that) but the real conservative positions never seem to be more than a blip here. It's interesting to watch though.
