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Thread #86221   Message #3095807
Posted By: Little Hawk
15-Feb-11 - 01:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Whether or not a country possesses various weapons of mass destruction, it is no valid excuse for launching a war of your own free choice (open aggression, in other words) against that country. By doing so, you are proving that YOU are the dangerous one in the world, not them.

If possessing weapons of mass destruction were any justification for such aggression upon a country, then the entire world would be justified in attacking the USA, the world's number one possessor of WMDs, and they could use the same argument Bush did...."We gotta stop 'em now before they USE those weapons!" ;-)

The entire Middle Eastern region would likewise be justified in attacking Israel, because Israel is concealing a large number of nuclear weapons of mass destruction and everybody knows it. ;-)

So why don't they? Because Israel and the USA are so heavily armed that no one would DARE try and take away their WMDs, that's why.

You see how damned silly it all is? Certain countries in the world, namely those who are absolutely armed to the teeth and far more powerful than their neighbours use the excuse that one of those weaker neighbours is hiding weapons of mass destruction, and they attack their weaker neighbour, supposedly because of that threat!!! Man, talk about an excercise in's the bandit attacking the homeowner, claiming that the homeowner is a threat to the bandit!

The USA was never in any danger from Iraq, even if Iraq had had those WMD's, yet the Bush administration relied on hysterical propaganda about WMDs for one purpose get the American public to support such a war. The general public is assumed to be ignorant enough to be manipulated by such nonsense....and it's a correct assumption.

NO country has the right to launch a war of aggression against another country merely because that country has....or is reputed to have...various weapons.

That's like you say to the police, "I'm going to shoot my neighbour, and here's why. He has a gun hidden in his house. I fear that he may use that gun to someday shoot me, so I'm going to go over, bust his door down, and shoot him first with my guns, of which I have about 5,000 here, including bazookas, machine guns, howitzers, etc. I am justified in this, because I can't live with the fear that he has a pistol hidden in his house, and he might one day use it against me."

That is the pathetic kind of laughable logic that the US administration used to attack Iraq, it has no basis in any kind of international law or even in any kind of sanity....and accordingly, all this bla-bla here about whether or not Iraq had any WMDs is utterly beside the point.

The sense of entitlement and utter grandiosity that is typically displayed by the USA and Israel in regards to their supposed divine right to do what no one else in the world is allowed to do is quite striking. They can apparently attack anyone they want, any time they want, merely upon suspicion that their victims might be planning to someday attack them! Wow. ;-) Hilarious. Imagine if all nations had carte blanche to act in such a godlike fashion. We'd have a lively little world, wouldn't we?

Their unique sense of entitlement and untouchable dominion, their sheer arrogance, is no less than that of the Spanish Inquisition, who could accuse anyone they wanted of witchcraft or satanism, sieze them, torture them until they admitted to it...then say, "See? We were right! They WERE witches!"

It's absolute bullshit to imagine that that war was really being fought over WMDs in Iraq, whether or not they ever existed. That war was fought over the usual grand imperial objectives (resources, land, regional and political control, etc)...not over some nonexistent fear of Iraq's wretchedly puny ability to defend itself with advanced weapons.

The pity of it is that much of the North American public is ignorant enough and silly enough to fall for such transparent nonsense. They like a simple, dramatic story, and that's what the administration gives them. The story is always made up to fit the occasion, and it seldom has much to do with reality.