The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25731   Message #309603
Posted By: Rambler
01-Oct-00 - 12:45 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Legend of the Rebel Soldier
Subject: RE: Help: Verify'The legend of the Rebel Soldier'
Thanks to all that posted since my last input. Since there is so much to input, I have decided to make shorter posts by addressing them to individuals or on specific subjects. I, also, realize that the research is really on 2 parrallel tracks, one for the Irish song and the other for the possible CW version. As much as possible, I am going to try to stay specifically after the initial questions that I raised for each. I am trying not to get side tracked chasing down every possible connection that comes up. I will come back to those only when other sources dry up.

Les B: In your initial post you indicated that Zap Publishing Co., BMI held the copyright to Charlie Moore's song. Do you, or anyone else reading this, have the most current contact information, of any type, for that company.

Cont. See next post to:McGrath of Harlow.