The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121519   Message #3096109
Posted By: Joe Offer
15-Feb-11 - 08:47 PM
Thread Name: Providence RI: who's around there?
Subject: RE: Providence RI: who's around there?
Well, I live in California, about as far away as you can get; but I married a woman from Woonsocket - which is about as Rode Island as you can get. Allow me to introduce your friends to two Rhode Island junk food delicacies: There's a little deli on the main road as you enter Warwick Neck that has delicious stuffys and hot wieners - and there's a gorgeous lighthouse at the end of the road.

Now, I married a Polish-American woman whose first language was Polish, so my ultimate food choice is the golumbecki at the Krakow Deli in Woonsocket. I hope your friends enjoy Rhode Island. I think it's a wonderful place. Delicious, too.