The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135741   Message #3097318
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
17-Feb-11 - 01:50 PM
Thread Name: Why I won't be seeing the Unthanks
Subject: RE: Why I won't be seeing the Unthanks
Actually, this reminds me of when Seth and the Unthanks were sharing the Ham Marquee one evening. The Unthanks were on first....

I was outside, watching the fiasco of Season Ticket Holders not being able to get in, and a steward who could have been Hitler, with steam coming out of his ears...I had to intervene....

What had happened was that many folks wanted to see Seth, they were busting to get in...but they wouldn't let any more people in, despite many of the seats not being filled. This was because, back then, folks sat where they wanted, often leaving one or two seats spare, in between other folks. I asked the steward to get folks to move up, but he wasn't having it, so I asked him a bit louder...and he still wasn't having it, soooooo I told him my husband was one of the Directors and could I have his name please...Strangely, he got an annoucement made immediately, asking everyone to move up, fill up the spaces, and thus, more folks could get in...

At half time loads of people left, when the Unthanks had finished..and I have to say it was the older audience that went (it was er...very dreary music and songs, to my ears, is all I can say)...Then, the younger folks were able to pour in and watch Seth...

Seth had been told his audience had to remain sitting, but he felt that was crazy and told folks to dance if they wanted we all flung Health & Safety to the wind and got up and danced at the edges and back of the Marquee..Seth coudln't have stopped us all dancing anyway, because just can't NOT dance to Seth's music, can you?

Little Hitler Steward was NOT a Happy Bunny at this point, but we all were and didn't give a hoot...Seth and his audience had a GREAT time that night...

Ah, happy memories. :0)