The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135814   Message #3098417
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-Feb-11 - 11:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chongo lands adventure movie part!
Subject: BS: Chongo lands adventure movie part!
New Primate Films of Hollywood, California are launching a whole series of movie remakes of classic films, replacing the original human casts with chimps, monkeys, gorillas and other primates, to make up for all those "wilderness" years when chimps and other primates only got embarrassing bit parts supporting 3rd rate human hacks like Ronald Reagan and Johnny Weismuller. The first of these new blockbuster films is due out shortly, and Chongo turned out to be perfect for the leading male role in it as fedora-wearing adventurer "Indiana Chongs". Here's a short clip...just a teaser...

Terror in the Treasure Chamber!

With the money this will bring in Chongo may be leaving his grotty 3rd floor walkup soon and moving into far more palatial lodgings.