The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39014   Message #3098422
Posted By: Taylor96
18-Feb-11 - 11:15 PM
Thread Name: taylor guitars vs seagulls
Subject: RE: taylor guitars vs seagulls
Well this thread headed for the swamp for a while.. all kinds of posts having nothing whatsoever to do with the topic in question.

So,, as you may guess I have a 1996 taylor 510..Mahog Dred.. It is probably the Best sounding guitar that I have ever had and I have had a few.
Sigma D 1 I believe it was.. sold it for 200 bucks few years ago. didnt like the sound. tinny.
Simon & Patrick pro maple..(made by same company as seagulls) beautiful guitar.. nice sound and all, sold it to a lady who fell in love with it and bought a
Blueridge BR 160.(2004) which I still have. Its a close to the Martin D16 and loud loud.. use it as my banger at outside jams.. really like it.
Gibson J45.. sold it last year . had for 4 years. Wasn't happy with it. No volume for my likes.
Larrivee. DV09-- sold it last year also.. hardly played it..loud and a beautiful guitar..didnt like it for Bluegrass which is mostly what I play.
Martin SPD16T..(1998) bought it new . nice sounding guitar and still have it.. play it often.
Walden D710 (2009) bought new last year.Its a 300.00 guitar. sounds like a lot more expensive guitar.. use as my banger... will keep

Have played quite a few Seagulls and was impressed with them.. for the price I believe them to be a very good buy.. BUT they are not a Taylor and I dont think you can compare least when you get into the Taylor 300s and above....

My thoughts are.. If you have the bucks buy the best taylor you can afford.. If not , buy all means go to the Seagull.. you cant loose.