The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135814   Message #3098669
Posted By: Little Hawk
19-Feb-11 - 03:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chongo lands adventure movie part!
Subject: RE: BS: Chongo lands adventure movie part!
The point is, Donuel, the $ySStem is an oligarchy of powerful financial interests. It can buy out both parties and control the White House and Congress. And it does. It plays the divided public off against each other by having each party focus on certain emotional trigger issues, all of which have to do with making someone angry and paranoid about someone else while everyone feels deeply patriotic to America. The public is kept hooked (and divided) by the apparent choice between these choreographed alternatives. The rich people bank the spoils. The wars go on.

It's not even possible to break that deadlock through normal electoral action, in my opinion, because of the money factor that determines...

1. who gets the publicity
2. who then gets elected
3. and what they do after they are elected (and they'd better...or they will find themselves in real danger...I kid you not)

It's actually an oligarchic dictatorship of military-industrial-corporate-banking interests (who compete with each other...yes...but they share larger common interests at the same time), masquerading as a 2 party democracy...going through the charade of show elections which don't change the basic situation...and maintaining your nation on a continual war production basis. The USA spends more money per year on military stuff than all the other countries in the world put together.

The world hasn't asked the USA to do that. Would the neighborhood ask Al Capone to get himself more firepower? I don't think so. But other criminals in smaller places will gladly trade their valuable goods to Al for some of his weapons.