The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135814   Message #3098774
Posted By: Little Hawk
19-Feb-11 - 07:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chongo lands adventure movie part!
Subject: RE: BS: Chongo lands adventure movie part!
I'm surprised North Korea isn't on your list of big spenders, Rap. Perhaps it's because no one knows how much they spend on defense?

I'm not surprised that the Saudis are way up there nor that Turkey is, but I am surprised that Greece is...I guess they are still arming against potential conflict with the Turks (who have always spent a lot on their military).

I think it's inevitable that China will become a bigger and bigger player in regards to military spending. They are the country most likely to assume the mantle of #1 superpower in the world in the 21st century. They tend to take the long view, and to prepare very carefully.

As for Canada and the UK (and Australia)...they are all second-string players in the imperial games of the Anglo-American present the world's most aggressive large empire, and presently engaging in 2 very significant military occupations in the Middle East, while planning possible contingencies for yet a 3rd: Iran.

The current wave of social unrest all across the Arab world must be thoroughly confusing those planners right now, not to mention confusing the local Muslim despots who've been holding the lid down on their people so long.