The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135741   Message #3099093
Posted By: Old Vermin
20-Feb-11 - 11:25 AM
Thread Name: Why I won't be seeing the Unthanks
Subject: RE: Why I won't be seeing the Unthanks
Pleased to see that there has been communication between Steve Shaw and the Unthanks. Might I mention a less tractable problem on the same theme; seats that are too cramped?

Guildford has a couple of theatres which suffer from what I can only call short-pitched seats. Being blessed with long thigh-bones, the only way I can endure a couple of hours in most of their seats is to try to sit bolt upright and hope that cramp doesn't set in too viciously.

How general is this? It may of course cease to be a problem if larger venues struggle...

We now mostly go to places where chairs may be moved and where there's preferably a chance of sliding out to the bar or loo. Tends to be clubs or sessions rather than theatres. More intimate, and more, er, folky.