The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135209   Message #3099104
Posted By: VirginiaTam
20-Feb-11 - 11:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
Subject: RE: BS: VirginiaTam's daughter - health prob
I don't know whether to be angry or relieved or frustrated. Bit of a mix, I think.

Hil had an infection in navel that caused fluid build up in abdomen. Why they didn't catch this and start treating right away, I don't know. Anyway she has been on antibiotics since Wednesday and she feels so much better.

Aggravating thing is when it all kicked off, she thought she had kidney infection and Primary Care doc gave her antibiotic. When the urine and bloods came back they said not kidney infection. Assuming (rightly) kidney stones, Doc took her off antibiotics and made appt for gastro. In the meantime, Hil became so ill with pain she went to ER where they decided, chronic liver disease, enlarged spleen and smattering of tiny kidney stones. Later MRI revealed distended navel (internal) and confirmed the other stuff as well as sludge in gall bladder. The gall bladder scan last Tuesday showed it normal.

So why when she had the MRI a couple of weeks ago, didn't they put her on antibiotics for the infection in her navel? I guess when you are in pain or a mom worrying about your child's health days feel like weeks even months. It is the only time that time slows down.

They are still going to do liver biopsy, which is good. Then hopefully start correct treatment which I expect will be normal treatment for autoimmune liver disease. Steroids in high doses.   BTW... my research found that the distended and infected navel can be a knock on from the other gastro problems. Starts with liver, then kidneys and spleen are involved, etc. and so on.

The best news is she feels so much better. She can eat, coping with much less pain killer, has more energy and can concentrate. Back to work on Monday and out looking at wedding stuff with Galen and his mom today.

I want to be there.