The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25731   Message #309981
Posted By: Rambler
01-Oct-00 - 10:38 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Legend of the Rebel Soldier
Subject: RE: Help: Verify'The legend of the Rebel Soldier'
Martin Ryan:

Is the "Irish songs of Resistance" an Irish or European publication, and what was the date of publication? Am I correct, that the title on the version in this publication is simply "Terence MacSwiney" and not " Shall My Soul..."? Does this version use the words "British prison" or "Brixton prison", and "Cork city grand" or "Cork city strand"? It is funny you should mention the absence of a third verse, because I never knew there was a third verse until I started to research the history behind this song. Was there anything different that appeared in this version that did not appear in all the other versions you have in your collection or in the versions already identified in this thread?

As for Zimmerman's "Songs of Irish Rebellion", where was that published and when? To test my theory, that the original song might be earlier than Terence MacSwiney's time, could you check that reference by the 2 titles we know. If the text is not too voluminous, could you check for a similar song or poem that might be in there under a different title? I have long since given up looking exclusively by title. Even the CW version appears under "Rebel Soldier", The Ballad of the Rebel Soldier", and "The Legend of the Rebel Soldier".

I have just finished going through "The Ballad Poetry of Ireland" edited by Sir Charles G. Duffy and produced by Scholars' Facsimiles and Reprints, Delmar, NY 1973. This is a reprint of the 40th edition of this text published in Dublin, 1869. I can point out that nothing close to "Shall My Soul..." appears in this text.

Lastly, in an earlier post I raised the question of MacSwiney children. Do you have any input on that subject? Also, are you aware of what might be the best sources to contact in Cork, whether university or private, with questions about MacSwiney? I would appreciate e-mail addresses, if available. I have already contacted a few universities, including the university in Dublin and Trinity College, as regards the song.

Again, thanks for your effort and input.