The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86221   Message #3100670
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
22-Feb-11 - 06:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs WERE found in Iraq!
Bobert: "Well, T... It's this way... 12 years working with mentally ill people prepared me to deal with folks like, ahhhhhhh, you..."

Well, well, well

Bobert: "In psychology there's a condition known as "transference", T, whereby the sufferer will take his or her own conditions and not be able to see that condition in themselves but see it in everyone around them...
Given the way things have unfolded in Iraq it it me who is guilty of "lies, half-truths, misconceptions, misrepresentations and myths", ol' son... It is you..."

And there is also something called 'deflection' and 'projection'..I'm sure if you are educated in Psych, you'd understand why I brought those up! Your posts are comprised largely of these two mechanisms, professionally speaking, that is. the way, could your persona of the 'hillbilly-hick' be part of deflection? to say, (and/or deflect) anything 'directly aimed at you', never gets through personally, but rather only applies to your fictional alter ego?...which, of course, makes 'denial' an implemented 'avoidance' of getting REAL with anybody?? What are you trying to protect?..Possibly, a conscious error in your 'political mind's' thinking??..another ruse for personal responsibility?

No slam intended, Ol' Chap...but if you're going to conceal where you're coming from, don't forget to hide your tracks.....but you knew that already, didn't you?

Now, it's only up to you, which persona you chose to have those questions addressed to??
How convenient.