The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26008   Message #310158
Posted By: JulieF
02-Oct-00 - 07:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Creation v Evolution
Subject: RE: BS: Creation v Evolution
Sorry - I can't pass this one by without adding my minor contribution.

I have no problem with people who believe in guided evolution, that 's their choice and I have many friends who are commited Christians but I can't cope with people who ignore vast tracks of knowledge in the name of creationisms.

There is no place for creationism taught as science. I have read round the subject to some extent and a less scientific discipline is hard to find. There may be scope to mention that believers of certain religions have other views. Anything more detailed should be taught in religious education.

I revel in the fact that we are not the centre of the Universe and there may be many many surprises out there ( but not here yet I think). I can marvel at nature without the need to see a creators hand ( but that's beside the point - we are talking what constitutes science here).

I greatly agree with the statement that you should teach children to both think and respect other people's view. For example , my daughter is an atheist but she knows not to debate the point with her 95 year old Great Grandma. It was a difficult balance to get - as it is surprising how much religion is taught as fact in junior school. It was a proud moment when at the age of 5 ,she came home and announced that she thought that Adam and Eve were the first people to evolve.

All the best
