The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135823   Message #3101589
Posted By: Donuel
23-Feb-11 - 08:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: So they want a TOTAL gov. shutdown...
Subject: RE: BS: So they want a TOTAL gov. shutdown...
Here is what the Boehner Congress republicans plan to do in words we all can understand.

They will offer a mini extension of goverment operations until the end of March in exchange for a mini budge cut of 2 billion dollars for things like aid to starving orphans and food stamps for the elderly etc. - hoping that Obama will veto it and then blame an extended government shut down on Obama's veto of the tiny 2 billion dollar cut in the budget.

This way republicans hope to avoid any blame for the damage and expense that a shut down would cause.

A regular CR would be favorable in comparison.