The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135741   Message #3102576
Posted By: GUEST
25-Feb-11 - 09:20 AM
Thread Name: Why I won't be seeing the Unthanks
Subject: RE: Why I won't be seeing the Unthanks
I think I met Adrian some years back and (I think) Rachel sang in our local pub in perhaps one of the bizarrer gigs that either was involved in. I think that Adrian did the sound for Last Nights Fun and we booked them to play at the Blacksmiths Arms in Farlington North Yorkshire about 6 years ago because the chap who ran the pub was a huge fan (he has since bought a set of pipes).

It was probably the tiniest gig that LNF played with a small, but appreciative, audience about two feet from the performers. We did not have a huge budget and so nobody got rich that night - 3 performers and a sound man (and I think manager) at a cost of £300 (if I remember) is not rampant profiteering. Afterwards we drank too much as I remember and sang and played with Denny etc till about 2 in the morning. I seem to remember that a young lady sang an unaccompanied song at some point in the evening and I'm guessing that was probably Rachel (though I may be wrong - I've been standing up for too many years and am approaching 60 to quickly).

So my experience is rather different. Brilliant happy evening that I still have photos of. Also started me tinkering with DADGAD a bit too of some of the people who are being slammed in this thread rather unnecessarily to my mind.