The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135965   Message #3102718
Posted By: GUEST,Alan Whittle
25-Feb-11 - 01:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Football 2011
Subject: RE: BS: Football 2011
I know this sounds conceited and egocentric - but actually we don't take international football very seriously. Its better than watchng golf or crown green bowling, but its not the real stuff to English people. Its a harmless frippery. A chance for a booze up and fight for those in desperate need - but the thing is the league and FA cup. And really the knock out rounds are always better than the final.

Anyway, best of luck looking for a few decent matches. Theres bound to be some, but most of the decent players are knackered and being rested, or have been on the sick list by now.

i remember being asked by some Germans once why the English season was so intense and had so many games.

I think I'd say to you what i said to them

Imagine you're a top class footballer. You have all the money you could possibly need. The pretiest girls. the biggest car.
Now what do you want to do? Obviously you want to play football - against top class oppostion, a couple of times a week - the english league lets you do this. try to catch it from the start.