The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128687   Message #3103132
Posted By: GUEST,Suibhne Astray
26-Feb-11 - 01:47 PM
Thread Name: Secrets of a good singaround?
Subject: RE: Secrets of a good singaround?
Round the room, or jump-in, I don't really mind; it's a matter of scale & I doubt jumping in would work with more than 12 there anyway. I hate those man-in-change singers sessions where you're sitting there waiting for the hammer to fall, no way I can relax and enjoy the other singers which is, after all, the main reason for going to a singaround anyway. Two song floor spots? Forget it! A singaround isn't about performing as it much as it is about participation & making a contribution to a community.

I take it as read that anyone attending a singaround has prepared themselves to the very best of their ability. Last night we had some very fine voices + 2 boxes, ukulele, hurdy gurdy, 3 fiddles, banjo, union pipes, bass clarinet, trombone and three concertinas (one of which turned out to Mudcat's own Ralphie pumping out some real magic on his legendary McCann Duet) & all of 'em jumping in quite happily. Singround / Session / Sesh / Accompanied / Unnacompanied - these things blur in a mighty Come All Ye where egos are left at home & everyone melts into one glorious whole by way of a spontaneous happening. And no-one's making banjo / bodhran / melodeon jokes either - and I sang Bogie's Bonny Belle without anyone mentioning Les Barker. Joy!