The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136071   Message #3105364
Posted By: Little Hawk
02-Mar-11 - 12:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lady Gaga?
Subject: RE: BS: Lady Gaga?
Hmmm. I was certainly aware that Lady Gaga existed, but I hadn't actually heard her at all until seeing that video of "Speechless". I like the piano playing, and she does a good vocal performance too, although she's not in a type of style that interests me much.

Definitely the update of Madonna, I'd say, and I expect she will continue to do well with it.

But Jeri has it absolutely nailed when she says,

"don't let that get in the way of the enjoyment you're getting out of being pissed off.

Heaven knows there haven't been nearly enough threads on Mudcat to appease the folks addicted to rage.

Bingo, Jeri! ;-D The existence of Lady Gaga does not trouble me, and why should it?