The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136071   Message #3105400
Posted By: Backwoodsman
02-Mar-11 - 02:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lady Gaga?
Subject: RE: BS: Lady Gaga?
As a grumpy old git, whose wife is many years his junior and makes damn sure that he stays awake and keeps up, I think Lady Ga-Ga's music is a great, undemanding respite from the navel-gazing, body-counting, "issue"-laden stuff I'm wont to perform myself. Switch off brain and enjoy.

And the miserable moaners needn't worry, like most of her pop-industry ilk, she'll be forgotten within twelve months and that world will move on. Anyway, they surely can't hear her with their fingers in their ears can they? :-) :-)