The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116745   Message #3105915
Posted By: Joe Offer
02-Mar-11 - 07:37 PM
Thread Name: Odd Amazon suggestions
Subject: RE: Odd Amazon suggestions
I don't know how universally Amazon makes available its MP3 downloads. For me, the free download of the day is a song called AM/FM by a group called (!!! Chk Chik Chick).
I don't know how you'd classify this type of music - techno-dance music, or something like that. Anyhow, my son is the lead singer and leader of the band. They used to be a punk band called Out Hud, and they had a fairly popular album titled Street Dad. The "single" on the album was a little ditty called "Dad, There's A Little Phrase Called Too Much Information."
Since the band had ten members, I asked my son which Dad was the subject of the CD and the single. His reply: "Dad, you don't need to ask."
