The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136104   Message #3106288
Posted By: Chris Green
03-Mar-11 - 12:10 PM
Thread Name: 18th century dancing masters
Subject: RE: 18th century dancing masters
Hi Paul

Firstly thanks again for those tunes you sent me!

Deciding on whether there's a strange number of bars in a tune for a reason or not is always rather tricky. In 'Trip to Parnassus' which you sent me there's a bit in the B section where the addition of an extra bar (well, note really!) just makes the whole thing make a bit more sense - plus you can use it to dance a modern 32 bar polka to. I've uploaded the original and my adaptation here so you can see what I mean.

However, some of the tunes I come across are clearly just designed to have an odd number of bars! My problem with approaching this in a scholarly way is that I have little or no experience of 18th century dance so I have no way of knowing whether they fit the dances or not. I'm only in it for the tunes I'm afraid!

Sorry I can't be more helpful, but thanks again for the tunes!
