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Thread #136122   Message #3106894
Posted By: mauvepink
04-Mar-11 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
Mr Clegg's (in my opinion) myopic courtship with power will have cost the LibDems dearly. May 5th is not too long off and I think his colleagues will have a hard time convincing past voter's and supporters that they can still be trusted. That said, the uk voting public have often been shown to have rather fickle memories and, on the whole, are quite a forgiving bunch of people. I'm not sure that will be the case this time around and people may want to punish Mr Clegg and his party for having seemingly betrayed their trust for a few seats of power.

I have always voted Liberal since I had the right to vote. Sadly I now feel I am left with nowhere to put my cross (though I believe it is important that I use it)

Proportional Representation I thought would have been a good thing for UK politics. It seems much fairer but then we have seen that fairness is not a word that easily stays on the tongues of many. I think there should be an empty box on the voting paper where you can show you do not wish to support any party. That would be far different than just looking at the large number of people who never turn up to vote. People need to get their belief back in the Politicians but I think that would only come with trust. Where has truth and trust gone?

This is not to say that I think all politicians are bad people. I know there are some really good ones but their voice, if allowed to have one, seems to be drowned out these days by larger mutterings.

I feared for the future before the last general election. That fear remains as I see what effects some of the decisions being made are having on my friends, my neighbours, my colleagues, my clients and myself. Things did have to change and much needed to be done but still I see the most vulnerable being the ones taking the burden whilst the rich get richer (albeit at a slower pace) and those in power sleep well in their beds at night, warm and well fed.

Just a few thoughts
