The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136132   Message #3107381
Posted By: GUEST,Ralphie
05-Mar-11 - 07:53 AM
Thread Name: What's happened to Sidmouth?
Subject: RE: What's happened to Sidmouth?
And to answer the OP's question. Nothings happened to Sidmouth, it's just evolved into a new could always revert to the 1954 version...comfy shoes walkies dancing, and no singing at all. doubt if you'd get many ticket buyers. If you don't like the present version, and how it is organised, don't come. There are plenty of other festivals around the country. I'm sure there will be somewhere that you would enjoy. But, I think you are alone. I'm sure that Sidmouth will be a success again this year as it has been for decades.
As Mr Red says. You don't have to like it all......I personally avoid anything that says "Bodhran Workshop".....but I'm strange like that. Not being a singer, I never visit the Middle Bar, or indeed the Bedford. But, I'm glad that they are there. It wouldn't be Sidmouth without them.
And to finish. What other festival could/would put on a concert for Nic Jones with a stage full of noteable musicians and singers including Nic. 1000 people in the Ham, some of whom had been queuing for hours beforehand? And this year, they intend to re-create Peter Bellamys "Transports"
Whats not to like about people who have that sort of vision? And make it work?
Worth every penny. nd family friendly too. (That Andy Cutting nicked my pint once....I think he was 10...He hasn't done that badly has he?)