The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136138   Message #3107385
Posted By: Bobert
05-Mar-11 - 08:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Wisconsin: Walker is a dictator
Subject: RE: BS: Wisconsin: Walker is a dictator
You won't have any "serenity" with the Repubs thinking they were elected to "dictate" to everyone... There is no "compromise" in their strategy or their tactics... All I see the Dems doing is trying to hold the fort while these ideologues try to burn it down around them...

Scott Walker is the prime example of "slash and burn"...

Democracy isn't supposed to be about fascism where the minority is completely trashed...

I mean, lets look at the health care reform... The part that the Repubs leave out in their ever revised history is that Obama and/or his staff met with them over and over trying to get them to participate but that does not get into the Repub narrative...

So what we have is yet another "BIGASS LIE" by the Repubs about just how the health care reform bill came about... They want to paint a picture where they were "trashed"... That is pure mythology... Almost the half the bill was from Republican ideas??? Yet they play the "boo hoo" card as if they had been "trashed"... Fine, boo hoo got them one election but the American people are beginning to see that right thru those fake crocodile tears and so if John "Job Killer" Boehner thinks they can cry their way thru another election then he's delusional...
