The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26006   Message #310761
Posted By: Lena
03-Oct-00 - 02:52 AM
Thread Name: The Best Ever Games
Subject: RE: The BEST EVER Games
Dough,I think the anti US crowds were a fabolous blending of Canadians,Aussies,British Italian we say 'The friendship among three women is plotting against a fourth woman'....just jocking.And Matt,the tax reducing and harem thing is undoubtly on down here.
Did anyone see the huge mass od rubbish accumulated during the closing ceremony?!I nearly cried when I walked home on sunday night.I've never seen something so devastating.For the closing ceremony,the northern walk a the Opera House (the bit on the sea,facing North Sydney)was reserved to the Opera House crew and you should have been there when a huge insect got on the blossomy breast of the Opera Singer!!!!Everyone clapped .The forbidden dream of anyone working around Opera.It was so hilarious.
And it's all very depressing now.
For the money thing...yes,huge amounts of money have been spent on these Games and it's rather disgusting.But if you just saw how happy and excited people was down here...well,I think it was worth it,even if I'm not a sporty girl.