The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136170   Message #3108198
Posted By: gnu
06-Mar-11 - 01:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bad things about losing weight
Subject: BS: Bad things about losing weight
As some of you may know, I have been on a special diet for over a year and, having found what works for me, I have been quite successful. When I reach my goal my overall loss will be close to one hundred pounds and I am not that far away from it.

On another thread, I posted a link to an article about muscle/fat loss ratio during weight loss which I found fascinating (15 to 20% of weight loss is muscle). Not a good thing but better than letting the fat remain. The loose skin looks terrible but, same deal.

My question is, "What are the bad things about losing weight?". I'll go first with another problem I encountered just moments ago.

Being able to wear the jeans I wore 25 years ago is a great feeling. Having to buy new suits, pants, etc is a pain as I am a man who detests shopping for anything but tools and groceries. When I see a deal, I go for it big time so I don't have to be bothered again for a good long while, especially if the timing is right. That is why I bought 18 briefs (jockey shorts, tighty whities...) on sale at a great price early last summer. They fit well at that time.

Now, I noticed a few months ago that the little fellahs were sticking to my thighs now and again but no way was I gonna buy new shorts for at least a couple of years. A small inconvenience and I am not shy about adjustments at the hardware or grocery stores. At least half of the customers know it is a requirement at times.

However, I was just out in the driveway chopping ice away from the eaves trough downspout leads, slipped on the ice and lost my footing. Halfway to the ground, I realized lefty was in an awkward bind. There was no time for any adjustment until I hit the ice at which point poor lefty was inconsolable. Even as I sit here and type, lefty is still pissed off and he's letting me know it. I hope there is a sale on men's underwear soon.