The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136150   Message #3108436
Posted By: Steve in Sidmouth
06-Mar-11 - 06:01 PM
Thread Name: Sidmouth Ripoff!
Subject: RE: Sidmouth Ripoff!
So many people keep telling me to try Whitby - problem is, it conficts with Towersey but given the way Towersey is going in extolling bands like Edward II (just a loud noise in my view!) then maybe Whitby is the way to go. What's the caravanning space like? But it is in lovely Yorkshire and I could call in and do some gliding at Sutton Bank. But then I'd have to come ALL THE WAY back home. But at least it would be downhill.......

Could all these festivals be arranged to take place one per weekend on a rotational basis with each being geographically close to the last one, so we could spend all summer just dancing and with the minimum travel costs between each festival?

Given the price of fuel, this is surely the way to go?