The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136122   Message #3108830
Posted By: Will Fly
07-Mar-11 - 07:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
David Cameron has just made a great speech in which he told us that those leeches that live off benefits are his target. He also addressed immigration and teaching British history in our schools. David has shown us he is a great leader.

This had me giggling when I first read it, but it's actually quite an interesting statement.

Here we have a politician at a party conference, surrounded by the party faithful, neatly ticking the boxes which represent the concerns and comfort zones of the party faithful. And this is your definition of what constitutes a "great leader"? I think it demonstrates - regardless of what political side you lean to - an overwhelming naivete on your part.

Great Leaders, if such people really existed, are as rare as hens teeth, certainly in this century. Cameron and Miliband and their ilk don't even come up to the ankles of people like Churchill and Attlee - and they were by no means perfect.

Do get some perspective - my dear man.