The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136191   Message #3108959
Posted By: oombanjo
07-Mar-11 - 11:17 AM
Thread Name: Appalachian dance teams wanted
Subject: Appalachian dance teams wanted
Sewerby Hall East Yorkshire is holding its 6th annual Old Time music and Dance weekend over the first May Day Weekend.
We put on concerts in the orangery on dance boards. We are looking for Appalachian teams who are interested in coming over for the weekend.
Although we will be dancing over the Saturday sunday and Monday, for anyone wanting to make a long weekend of it we camp/caravan in the park from Thursday mid day prior to the weekend and leave by Tuesday midday.The pub (The Ship)puts on a beer festival for us and there is non stop music from 8pm onwards. Anyone interested give me a pm.
Cheers john. AKA Oombanjo