The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136140   Message #3109023
Posted By: Stewart
07-Mar-11 - 12:34 PM
Thread Name: PNW Folklore Society - 3.5 yrs later
Subject: RE: PNW Folklore Society - 3.5 yrs later
Thanks Guest and Reggie

I guess I need some feedback and encouragement
that what we've been doing is appreciated and
worthwhile. I just got two more requests from
folks to be added to our email list yesterday
and today, so that helps.

I guess time is a scarce commodity for those
who still have full time jobs - I quit my job
about ten years ago so it's not a problem for
me. What I'd really like is someone with new
ideas to come along and give us a lift. We've
been doing this for over three years and and
are running out of new ideas and energy. And
then there's the sustainability problem of
what happens when we finally quit.

Young people. From my perspective, anyone
under 50 is young. But we have a lot of younger
musicians at the coffeehouse open mic where
we do our concerts. I have booked a twenty-
something female folk duo for April, and we
have a young old-timey duo coming up this
week. So maybe we're making progress.

Reggie, I don't recall your voice problems
when you did those two back-to-back gigs
for us. You're a real pro - that's the
difference. We've had some great musicians
who've been a real pleasure to work with.
They don't whine about this and that, demand
special setups, and obsess about the sound
system - they just get up on stage and do
their thing. The other few who do complain,
aren't going to get invited back.

The real discouraging thing is to get a
great musician, but who isn't well known,
and have just a few people show up for the
concert. All that work for such a small
return. The worst time for a producer is
that fifteen minutes before showtime, and
there are only a few people in the house.
Maybe that's why folk music concerts always
start late.

Okay, we've got a show coming up this Friday,
and I've got to get to work.

Cheers, S. in Seattle