The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136178   Message #3109193
Posted By: Deckman
07-Mar-11 - 05:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Facebook friends - what to do?
Subject: RE: BS: Facebook friends - what to do?
I was drug ... kicking and screaming all the way ... into facebook two years ago by our then 16 year old granddaughter. She used all the tricks: "but gramps, if you don't let me open an account for you people with think you're old ... but gramps, if you don't let me do this I won't love you anymore!" You know ... all the usual crap!

After several months of pictures I didn't want to see ... propositions from wimmen I didn't want to meet ... one sexual offer from some guy ... I found a REALLY SIMPLE answer that still works for me.

I just started responding to people with "I don't do facebook." I guess I never closed my account as I still get propositioned.

When people push it, I tell them that I don't even have a cell phone. Instead I use the house phone, carrier pidgins, smoke signals, and radar. That usually shuts them up! bob(deckman)nelson