The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136140   Message #3109416
Posted By: Deckman
08-Mar-11 - 01:50 AM
Thread Name: PNW Folklore Society - 3.5 yrs later
Subject: RE: PNW Folklore Society - 3.5 yrs later
I've been re-reading these interesting and thoughtful posts ... thank you everyone. I'm struck by how soon, and frequant, the issue of "MONEY" comes up. Of course we are a business oriented society, so "money" quickly becomes an issue in most of our endevors.

What I think people are missing here is just how far we've come, and what we've achomplished WITHOUT MONEY BEING THE FOCUS!

We've presented 60 or so concerts, we've sponsored and encouraged many other folk music related activities. We go out of our way to encourage the up and coming performers. We host open mikes and jam sessions. We both teach and encourage students. Both Stew and I, for years, have conducted folk music related workshops at music camps, get-a-ways, and privatly. We both serve as a resource to various communities: universities, our home towns, schools, libraries.

What I'm saying here is that I'm getting tired ... to put it simply. And most imnportantly, to me, is that I MUST GET BACK TO MY ARCHIVING.