The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136122   Message #3109695
Posted By: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)
08-Mar-11 - 11:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
Subject: RE: BS: Condems get a kicking in Barnsley
No shortage of critics of the Conservative/Liberal Government here, so what is it you are actually saying, do you want a Labour Government to run the country into the ground again ?????

What I want David to do is come down hard on benefit scroungers. No one here can honestly say that the current system is fair.

Young couples in full time employment pay for childcare, their mortgage or rent and every other bill that comes in. There are numerous workshy couples lying up on their ass all day milking the system and breeding what they refer to as "beer tokens" The government must come down hard on them.

Then you have the so called single mothers (I call them something very different) there is no way they should get a house paid for by the taxpayer, either go live in a hostile or let their mothers and fathers maintain them. It is a profession these days, young girls see the benefits that are available and go out to get knocked up.

I'm sick and tired of hearing about families living off benefits who complain, "Oh we want this and we want that!!" You're getting money for sitting at home on your backsides for doing sweet eff all when others like me worked all of our lives to support the likes of them.